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Rental Invoice Templates

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As a landlord, you may be familiar with one of these two problematic scenarios:

  1. Running from door to door in your pyjamas, trying to get procrastinating tenants to pay their rent on time.
  2. Stressfully keeping track of various bills (electricity, water, etc.) your tenants need to pay.

What if there was a way to take care of both of these scenarios at once? Luckily there is a solution - rental invoice templates!

Read on, and find out everything you need to know about invoices to make your life as a landlord a breeze.

What is an Invoice Template?

An invoice template is a pre-populated outline that makes adding relevant invoicing details easy. With a rental invoice template, you don’t have to enter the same old usual fields manually.


And again. 

And again (groan). 

Just create one template with all fields saved, and voilà, you will have it for life. All you have to do is add the relevant details and send the completed invoice to your tenant. 

But do I have to make an invoice template myself? That sounds like a lot of work.

No! Simply choose a pre-made template, and you’re good to go! 

There’s another reason to use an invoice template; the customizability is endless. Change the color, font, and logo in the invoice to convey your brand to your customers. 

But do I really need to send an invoice? YesWhy? 

Why Are Invoices Necessary for Rentals?

There are many reasons to send an invoice:

  • Sending an invoice looks official and professional and increases the chance that your tenant will pay you on time. 
  • You can send invoices from the comfort of your cozy home.
  • If your tenants don’t pay rent on time, you can send reminder invoices with a click of a button. 
  • It looks professional. This level of care will make your tenants view your services in a favorable light. They are more likely to recommend your rental to other friends and family (and possibly even write a great Google review!).
  • For financial bookkeeping, so you don’t have to waste brainpower doing complex calculations.
  • To protect yourself against lawsuits.
  • To help tenants understand charges (electricity, maintenance, etc.) incurred by giving a detailed breakdown.

Types of Invoices for Rentals

There are different types of invoices for rentals:

Standard Invoices: This invoice can be sent to your short-term tenants, informing them of the rent incurred during their stay. 

Recurring invoices: This is the usual ‘Hey, it’s the end of the month, pay up!’ type of invoice (of course, don’t actually write that!). 

Deposit Invoices: These are invoices you can send to a future tenant highlighting any deposits to be made. 

Credit Invoices: You can send a credit invoice if you need to refund your tenants.

Debit Invoices: These are invoices you can charge your tenants for extra services like laundry, maintenance, or gym membership.

What to Include in an Invoice Template for Rentals?

Don’t know what important details to add to your invoice? We got your back. Here are the essential fields every invoice should include:

  • The title ‘INVOICE’
  • A unique invoice number
  • Your full name, rental name, address, phone, email, and website URL
  • Your customer’s full name and contact details
  • Invoice creation date and the rent due date
  • Property description
  • Rent 
  • All charges, including additional ones like maintenance, laundry, gym services, etc
  • Discounts, taxes, credits
  • Total amount due
  • Payment instructions and policies
  • A customized note at the bottom expressing gratitude to your tenants

How to Create a Rental Invoice Template

What’s the easiest way to create a rental invoice template? Download a pre-made one to save you the stress of creating a new one from scratch. 

Invoicer.ai has TONS of custom templates for you to choose from. All relevant details for rentals like invoice number, address, total amount, etc., are available in the ready-made templates. 

Here’s how to create a template:

Step 1

Go to Invoicer.ai and choose your favorite template format: Word, Google Docs, Excel, Google Sheets, Open Office, or PDF.

Step 2

Customize the invoice to fit your brand. Add your brand color, logo, font, business details, URL, photo banner, etc.

Step 3

Customize any of the remaining fields and columns. 

Also, before you send the invoice to your tenants, double-check on:

  • The formulas and calculations
  • Print format 
  • Spelling 

Then go ahead and save the template for future use easily. 

Other Invoicing Tips for Rentals

Keep The Invoice Clean

Don’t clutter your invoice with irrelevant details. Use what is necessary. This way, your customers can scan through the invoice clearly without playing ‘Where’s Waldo?’ 

Fix a Schedule

Send an invoice on a fixed date every month. This practice is good for multiple reasons. For one, it makes you look professional. Secondly, your customers know WHEN to expect the invoice, and they’ll keep the rent on hand. This reduces the headache of constantly following up on your tenants. You’ll also save money on Aspirin.   

Make It Personable

At the bottom of the template, include a ‘Thank You,’ ‘Happy Holidays,’ or any note that shows your friendly side. Customers will feel more at home and are likely to stay loyal to your rental accommodation.

Make It Colorful

Add color and design to your invoicing template. It goes a long way in making your brand look professional. This will also increase the tenant’s chances of paying on time. If you don’t want to break your head on the design, choose any of our custom templates! If not, go wild with your creativity and make a customized one.

Make The Payment Terms Clear

In your invoice, specify the different payment types available, including bank details, credit/debit card, mailing address for checks, etc. Additionally, note other information like late payment fees, etc.

A Better Alternative To Using Invoice Templates

There’s an even better invoicing option than using templates, and that’s using an invoice generator.

Invoice generators are cloud-based billing solutions that allow you to:

  • Create and send invoices quickly and efficiently
  • Customize the invoices according to your brand
  • Access and manage all your tenant profiles in one single location 
  • Give the option to your tenants to pay rent through multiple payment methods (Google Pay, Credit/debit card, etc.)
  • Make easy and accurate calculations, and so much more

The easier you make your invoicing processes, the less stress you go through. And consequently, the more attractive and easy it is for your tenants to pay rent, the more they’ll admire your professionalism (and pay rent on time). 

Still deciding whether to use an invoice template vs. an invoice generator? 

Then try them both! 

Sign up to Invoicer.ai; you can get free 14-day access (no credit card needed!) to our invoicing generator and our vast collection of invoice templates

See how fast and easy Invoicer is.

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